- Scholarship
- Rules and Regulations
- Results
- Academic Calendar
- Activities
- Student Guardian Scheme
- ICT Tools
- Student Satisfaction Survey
- Government of India Scholarship/ freeship for SC/ST/VJ/NT/DT/OBC/SBC category students.*
- Central Government and State Government of Maharashtra Scholarship to Minority students.*
- State Government of Maharashtra EBC Scholarship to Open category Students.*
*As per norms laid by Central Government, State Government of Maharashtra and DTE.
Note:- This facility is available for those candidates who are admited through CAP.
Rules and Regulations
- The students are bound by all the rules and regulations made by institute from time to time any matter not expressly provided for in these rules shall vest at the absolute direction of the Principal who also reserves the right of modifying any of these rules as and when felt necessary.
- Every student shall be regular and punctual in attending classes, tutorials and submissions of term work.Defaulted students may be fined.
- Students shall use boiler suit and prescribed uniform while working in workshops, laboratories, drawing hall and classrooms. Student shall wear Institute uniform whenever prescribed by the Institute authorities.
- Industrial visits and educational tours as and when arranged by the Institute are compulsory for every student.
- The Principal reserves the right to remove from the rolls the name of any student for failure to pay the Institute/Hostel dues in time.
- Students are required to read the notices on the notice board of the Institute. The Institute shall not accept the responsibility for any loss or damages incurred by as student owing to his/ her failure to read the notice in time.
- Smoking, chewing of tobacco and other such elements are strictly prohibited in the Institutes’ Campus.
- The Institute office should be informed in writing of any change in address of the students with immediate effect.
- Insubordination and rude language or conduct is sufficient reason for the dismissal of the student. The student must remember that respect is reciprocal of respect.
- The student should not participate in any antisocial activities; otherwise the student will be liable to be Expelled from the Institute.
- The student should help in maintaining the building and the campus clean and tidy.
Academic Calendar
AY 2024-25
Academic Calendar 2024-25 Sem I
Academic Calendar 2024-25 Sem II
AY 2023-24
Academic Calendar 2023-24 Sem I
Academic Calendar 2023-24 Sem II
AY 2022-23
Academic Calendar 2022-23 Sem I
Academic Calendar 2022-23 Sem II
AY 2021-22
Academic Calendar 2021-22 Sem I
Academic Calendar 2021-22 Sem II
AY 2020-21
Academic Calendar 2020-21 Sem I
Academic Calendar 2020-21 Sem II
AY 2019-20
Academic Calendar 2019-20 Sem I
Academic Calendar 2019-20 Sem II
AY 2018-19